Saturday, August 13, 2005

Orphans and Hindu Mothers (follow up)

This is a follow up post to two previous posts.

First, the really good news regarding the children (see Karma Yoga post). I spoke with Anoop and the three children who were found on the street after their mother died have been reunited with their father. He is very poor and was looking for work. The School Anoop started is allowing them to sleep there. It is a cement floor with nothing but Burlap, but it is still better than the streets. The School is also paying the father a very small wage to help him get back on his feet in exchange for some handy work around the school.

Second, I went back to Arti again with Christopher. In a country of over one billion people, at a ceremony with thousands of worshipers, I bumped into my Hindu mothers. (See Mother Ganges post) We must have some sort of karma. One of the women was there with here husband who walked with a cane. He asked me if I would help him to the river to bless himself. I guess I did a good job because I soon had a whole line of older men and woman who needed help. One of the men wanted to show me how to bless myself so I knelt by the river with him and splashed water over my head the way he demonstrated. Then he cupped his hands drawing up some river water and slurped it down. Evidently drinking form the Ganges is especially cleansing for the spirit with the ability to blow open the crown charka. Since it would no doubt blow out my colon as well, I politely declined.


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