Monday, August 08, 2005

Morning Practice

Last night Christopher and I went into town to have dinner at a great little Italian restaurant. It was such a nice change to eat food that was not swimming in curry. The river was beautiful and many Hindu pilgrims were practicing Arti, a ceremony in which they float flowers and candles down the river in thanksgiving for all the day's. For 10 rupees (about 4 cents), we were able to buy some Arti boats and join them. There was something so magical about seeing all the candles and flowers floating down the river. There were people young and old dipping into the river in an act believed to cleanse their sins (and purge the colon).

This morning I got up with the sun and went down to the river to practice yoga and meditation. The Flow of the river, the sounds of Sadu's (wandering Hindu mystics), the chanting, the smell of incense wafting in the air. It was one of the most amazing practices I have ever had. My mind slipped quickly into stillness and my body, still a bit tight from 24 hours of travel, moved as freely as the river. I finished my practice in with a meditation that felt so effortless and so deep.

On the way back to my room a large monkey walked up to me, sat at my feet and closed his eyes in what looked like meditation. It was such an odd sight. I didn't know monkeys could meditate. Maybe there is hope for George Bush (Just kidding John).

Anyway, the internet is slow, slow, slow. This makes uploading photos very hard. As soon as I can I will up load a few.


At 10:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


Thank you, you truly are a wonderful writer and person. Thank you for bringing me to India with you. Now you know everything that I know, or ever could know. My times in India have acted as confirmation, completion of every thought, every suspicion, every intuition I've ever had. It is real; thanks for sharing it, it means so much to me that you and Christopher have experienced this place, a place like no other, but yet oddly similar to all places. I love both of you - don't come home.




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