Sunday, August 07, 2005

Taiwan, Delhi and Rishikesh

We made it to India in spite of a monsoon in Taiwan that kept us on the runway of some small out of the way airport in another part of the Island for hours. Once we landed in India at about 2AM Local time, Christopher and I found a hotel and got some much needed rest.

It turns out Delhi is very big, very busy and full of people perfectly willing to help you find your way around even if they don't know where you are going. A perfect example of this came when I used my first public rest room. I asked for the men's room and a helpful man pointed toward a door. I went in and had one of those great cultural moments where you realize that in different countries people even go to the bathroom in different way. It was clear to me that there were only stalls and no urinals. Odd, I thought, but no big deal

So I went in, stood over an oddly shaped toilet and began to relive my very full bladder. Mid "stream" I began to hear women's voices outside the stall. In an instant I had my first crash course in the "Indian Experience" My well-meaning guide, not knowing where to send me, just sent me to the women's room. I waited till the coast was clear and then made my speedy exit-- visions of being locked up in an Indian prison filling my head.

In any event, Christopher and I decided to hire a driver to take us North East to the holy town of Rishikesh. It is here that the Ganges river runs clean and Hindus and Yogis dip in to the clear water which is believed to wash away sins. I'm hoping to dip in the river tomorrow to get beyond the women's bath room incident back in Delhi. Also hoping to take some yoga classes now that my body is on Indian time.

This mornings practice was rather beautiful. I woke to the sound of the river and the soft morning chants of the Sadhus (wandering holy men and women). My practice was slow and gentle, but my meditation was deep and rich. I found great stillness.

Here are a few photos. I will post more soon.


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